psychedelic integration

Psychedelic Integration

The Journey after the Journey

Realize the potential of your true, beautiful self with psychedelic medicines and sacrements.

Discover tools from modern science and ancient wisdom traditions that will enable you to heal, grow, and explore the deepest parts of yourself

And have a great time doing it!

April 16 to the 19th

A Celebration of all things psychedelic Integration

We’ll be talking about the best ways to bring the amazing lessons you’ve gained in your journeys into your beautiful, wonderful, ever evolving life so that you can grow into the majestic being that you know that you can be, and in reality, already are!

The Jamboree is a project of Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration. Past events have included Psychedemia, The Psilocybin Summit, and Cryptopsychedelic.

Discover true spiritual growth & healing with Psychedelics.

The potential for emotional healing and spiritual growth using psychedelics and plant medicine is enormous. Countless studies show huge benefits. Personal anecdotes reveal radically changed lives. After being underground for so long, this ancient wisdom is finally becoming available to everyone.

We now know that truly transformative psychedelic experiences don’t happen in a vacuum.

It requires Preparation and Integration

In this three day online conference, we will explore a plethora of powerful techniques and fascinating philosophies of psychedelic integration. We will discover methods for creating safe and healing containers for psychedelic work. We’ll discuss how to take care of ourselves so we come down gently, and how to make meaning in the days afterwards.

We’ll enjoy live presentations from  top researchers and brilliant healers in the field. We’ll explore cutting edge psychology, traditional shamanism, dreamwork, and models of community care. We’ll learn about a variety of medicines, talking to experts on LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, Ketamine, Ayahuasca, 5meo, and Ibogaine.

We’ll see that psychedelics are far from being a societal danger being used by the irresponsible! You’ll meet some of the most responsible and thoughtful people on the planet today. People who have received visions in their altered states and have dedicated their lives to healing others and serving the planet. The Integration Jam is a call. It is here to welcome you, so that you too can have the tools to take your place in the community of change makers.

We’re also going to have some fun. It is a Jamboree, after all!

Live Painters from the Vision Train
Musical Performances
Entheogen Inspired Comedy Performances
Costume Contest


Community Sponsors